Saturday, July 27, 2013

Camp Fulbright Activity Weekend | Amazing Race: Welcome to Brazil!

This morning, my team prepared our "Amazing Race"-inspired weekend activity for the campers. I volunteered to plan for and coordinate a game that would involve campers "crossing the Amazon" in "Brazil." This was our version of an activity that the OCs had led earlier during Orientation to have each house compete against each other.

It was so much fun to create a "Brazil" in one of the classrooms, and search for appropriate soundtracks to play in the background!

I believe we also had an Ireland (where campers learned steps to a dance), a France (where they created portraits of each other and then hung them up on "galleries" (aka the hallways)), the U.S. (where campers navigated a subway in New York City), and Antarctica (where they had a snow clothes relay race, made snow flakes, and played freeze tag).

The campers had a lot of fun, especially with the face painting we had them do in Brazil before they could partake in the actual river-crossing activity. Danielle and I helped paint cute designs on the campers' faces and also demonstrated how the activity would look like, while Seijin held the mic and gave instructions. We led the activity for two hours and interacted with about a hundred young campers and Junior Counselors both from Korea and the U.S. This weekend activity took a lot of energy, but I somehow found a reservoir that helped me keep up with the campers' excitement.

At the end of the day, I couldn't tell which of us had had the most fun: the campers, or the ETAs!

If you were part of the "Amazing Race," which country/continent would you lead with your own campers and what activities would you do with them? Share your ideas in the comment box below.

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