Mama: - So, yeah, ever since she found out that you're returning to Korea for another year, she's been like this
Me: [sorrowfully] Oh my goodness, Ma! Why did you tell her?! No, wait - why didn't you tell her?!
Mama: She found out on her own!
Me: How?
Mama: Well, she was doing better and looked like she had finally accepted that you will be coming home three days later than you had originally said, so that was good...
Me: uh-huh...and...?
Mama: Yeah, so...
Me: Ma, and, what?
Mama: Oh, yes! Well, today, she was looking at the calendar again, and flipped to August. That's when she saw my note...
Me: [in much anguish] Oh noooo...
[To Emily] LING, Ate Mimi MISSES you! I will come home soon, Ling. Don't miss me too much, okay?
Emily: Okay
Me: So, Ling, what would you like me to bring you from Korea?
Emily: [thinking]
Me: [Not sure if she's understanding my question] Ling, do you want clothes? Or chocolates? Or snacks? Or clothes, chocolates AND snacks? What do you want, Ling? I will get it for you!
Emily: [still thinking]
Me: ANYTHING at all!
Some of my afternoon was spent online, searching for a blue, long-sleeved, Korean flight attendant uniform, which Emily said I must bring home to her from South Korea. She told me this quite passionately over Skype.
![]() | Thank you, Ju Hyeon! |
Me: [off to the side to my mom] Ma, is she serious?
Mama: Unfortunately, yes...
Me: No, I mean, is she serious about the flight attendant uniform?
Mama: Yes, she is serious
Me: Mom, I'm talking about the flight attendant uniform that she said she wants: blue, long-sleeved, and specifically "Korean"
Mama: I'm telling you, she's being serious!
Me: [groans] So, where did she get the idea that this is the perfect gift from me?!?!
Mama: I don't know, but I did notice that she's been Googling that a lot lately, and laughing to herself
Me: ...well, okay then. [Pause, and then] So, Ma...
Mama: Hmmm?
Me: In case I can't find this, uh, blue, long-sleeved, Korean flight attendant uniform anywhere in Korea, do you think Emily will be...very upset or...just normal upset?
Mama: That's a good question...From the look on her face right now, I think she will be very upset...Do your best to look for it there
Me: [exaggerated groans of despair] Whyyyyyyy! [To Emily] LEMING, why can't you want a normal thing, like a pack of seaweed, or a pair of cute socks, or...or Korean chocolates?! I will buy you chocolates, is that okay?? A LOT of chocolates, yum!
Emily: [giggling at seeing my despairing face] No, no, no! Not A LOT chocolate. Uniform, yes! Mimi, uniform, coming home July 19. Emily, blue, uniform, plane! Yes, yes!
Me: Okay, I will do my best, Ling [insert super fake confident smile here]
Emily: [flashes me a huge, expectant smile over Skype before waving goodbye]
Me: [to Mama] I'm screwed
Mama: [amused] Just do your best, nak
I was neck-deep in my despair when Ju Hyeon casually walked into my room and asked to borrow my iPad. I sighed and gave her the device, but not before explaining Emily's impossible dream gift. Ju Hyeon disappeared into the living room and came back a moment later with a Korean website that sells - what else - flight attendant uniforms. I was so excited/relieved/ecstatic/joyful in finding that this item did, indeed, exist out in the real world that I didn't immediately notice the steep price tag. Again, Whyyyyyyy?!
I was neck-deep in my despair when Ju Hyeon casually walked into my room and asked to borrow my iPad. I sighed and gave her the device, but not before explaining Emily's impossible dream gift. Ju Hyeon disappeared into the living room and came back a moment later with a Korean website that sells - what else - flight attendant uniforms. I was so excited/relieved/ecstatic/joyful in finding that this item did, indeed, exist out in the real world that I didn't immediately notice the steep price tag. Again, Whyyyyyyy?!
On the bright side, this is my opportunity to make up for being a horrible older sister, and failing to tell my youngest sister my life plans for the next year. Since I have left, she has been holding on to one date: "July 16, 2014," the date of my supposed return to the states, not knowing that my plans had changed. She was devastated to learn that I was actually coming home on July 19, 2014 (three days later than what I had originally promised her on our parting at Sea-Tac airport). I remember how tightly I clung to the promises of adults as a child, so I definitely understand how Emily might find these turn of events utterly unacceptable and inexcusable and even heartbreaking.
[insert so much sadness here]
Do you remember someone making you a promise they were not able to keep? When was the promise made and why was it so important to you? Have you yourself made a promise that you may or may not have known you could not ultimately keep? Who did you make the promise to, and how did you (or did you not) make up for failing to deliver?
Share your experiences by writing in the comment box below!
My dad was notorious for saying he would pick us up for a weekend and then not showing up. Yep. That sucked every time. As a parent, I strive not to promise my kids anything I can't deliver. Of course there have been moments when life happens and plans fall through. The library is closed and I promised we would go. It rains and we can't go to the park. In these instances, I explain to my boys why we can't do what I said we would do. At six and eight years of age this is infinitely easier than it was when they were two and four. In the end, I actually feel like it is important for them to learn that things don't always go as planned, but they can trust me to be there for them in the sad moments.
ReplyDeleteAmy, that does really suck. But I'm glad that you've been striving to be a different kind of parent to your own kids. I want to cultivate a similar positive pattern for my relationships. I remember observing how intentionally you instructed the boys at your home in the few days I spent with you last year! And, you're right: things don't always go as planned, and you can't always get what you want - these are very important lessons to learn from a young age. I hate breaking young hearts, and wish I was home to explain to my sister in person!