Sunday, July 21, 2013

Weekend Trip to Donghae: Visiting Two Historical Sites & Eating Traditional Korean Food

We left the hotel at around 9:15 a.m. after eating a good breakfast. We were headed for a couple of historical sites that featured the living spaces of Korea's past leaders. 

Here are some photos of the first site: 

I wish I knew what this says

Inside the museum. I was surprised we were allowed to take photos!

The second historical site we visited was another bus ride away. Here it is:

Our tour guide, who spoke very well in English and even had a dramatic flair in his story-telling! 

How beautiful is this place?!

This site is right by the city. You can see the buildings peeking over the horizon just before the mountain silhouettes. 

This building had two entrances. This one was used by common folks while another door to the right of it was used by not-so-common folks.

According to our tour guide, the higher off the ground you were, the higher your rank was/the more power you had.

Trying to capture some of the details with my iPhone camera. 

ETAs buying souvenirs.

An ETA creepily hovering behind the glass window of a gift shop

We left the tour site and headed to lunch on our way back to Goesan.

A small room fit over 80 people. This is just one of the many long tables that were heaped
with plates of traditional Korean dishes.

People slowly filing up the room.

Ah, a feast! 

Mrs. Shim, Executive Director of KAEC briefly boarding our bus to say goodbye and to
wish us a safe trip back to the Marble Mansion.
Did you learn anything new about Korean history from the photos I posted here? According to some of the ETAs, you can actually come back to these historic sites and arrange to live in one of the houses in exchange for manual labor. Is this something you would consider doing? Why? For how long?


  1. The place looks beautiful! I would like to live there, but it depends of what kind of manual labor it is :) beautil pic Mi. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Ma, I'm not sure about what kind of work they would have you do - maybe cleaning, washing, and gardening?? When we looked inside some of the rooms, there were large bugs just chillin inside so you would also have to deal with the bugs! Haha. It is a beautiful place though and I wouldn't mind trying it out for a day and night.


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